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Contact our Business Development Specialist

Welcome to the UCI Center for Clinical Research (CCR), where we are dedicated to improving the health and wellness from the heart of one of California's most diverse counties of over 3 million people, and beyond. As an academic medical center with world renowned experts, we are uniquely positioned to provide unparalleled reliability and a rigorous, efficient approach to clinical trial management. 

At CCR, we serve as the main clinical operations unit, integrating research, clinical expertise, and the innovative enterprise at UCI to accelerate the business of clinical trials and expand access to breakthrough therapies as quickly and safely as possible. We are committed to supporting academic discovery and healing, and our team works tirelessly to ensure that we are at the forefront of medical advancements. 

Our operational support for clinical trials boasts of deep expertise in initiation and execution of clinical trials in coordinating interactions with patients and partners across the UCI enterprise, as well as the University of California system at large. We are proud to engage with local, regional, and national communities, with a focus on providing the highest level of care to all. 

Thank you for considering the UCI Center for Clinical Research for your clinical trial needs. As a high performing, top enrolling site to numerous trials, we look forward to working with you to advance medical knowledge and improve patient outcomes. 

Learn how to get started on bringing your study to UCI.

NeuroRx Testimonial

Aside from the clinical excellence, one of the many aspects that attracted us to your site is your stewardship and sense of urgency.